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Web Consulting
Company Clarus


Clarus But Great Passion

Clarus, a passionate web consulting company with core expertise in web design & Development. We code high performance websites with stunning features. We carefully design even more with detail. We handcraft aesthetic designs with a blend of harmonious colors. And we love our work.

Aesthetic Quality

Aesthetics is not only making things pretty part of design but aesthetic is going to be involved in the communication between site and viewer. Creativity lies in the capacity to build things which serve a purpose while aesthetics offer a dimension of beauty that draws the eye and makes everything worth experiencing.

Coding for Performance

Studies have shown that increasing website speed directly improves customer satisfaction, search engine rankings. As high performance is a vital consideration, we provide guidelines for coding that may assist in writing efficient code.

We Move Fast

We turn sketches into a prototype as quickly as possible. We aim to spend less time fiddling with plans and specs, and more time producing. We have an experimental and collaborative approach. With quick iterations we pursue a short time to launched product.

Effective Web Design Principles

It should be designed for the user and by having a business objective in mind. Using these web design principles you can get to aesthetically and financially rewarding results.

Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is one of the most important principles behind good web design. It’s the order in which the human eye perceives what it sees.

Gestalt Design Laws

Its principle is that the human eye sees objects in their entirety before perceiving their individual parts.

Occam’s Razor

Occam’s Razor states that the simplest solution is usually best. It’s not just about the looks, but also about ‘how it works’.

Fitt’s Law

Fitt’s law stipulates that bigger an object and the closer it is to us, the easier it is to use it.


We Are Here For You

Clarus is a fully dedicated programmers staying up to date and adopting new tools and skills.The technology we are using every day is changing faster than anything else; in order to stay at or above our current place in the industry, it is imperative that we learn continuously.

Web Design & Development

There are thousands of designers out there that can put out good work. That's a fact. You can do good work and get by, but you can't have great work without passion. People who are great designers and developers, are fairly rare and incredibly sought after in today’s market. Clarus consists of a elite and passionate group with deeper skills in design and programming who are proficient in all stages from concept to deployment.We are never done with learning as we constantly adjusting, honing and perfecting our craft because we love to learn. Learning is a lifelong quest for us since there are always new skills to master.

A professional appearance starts by keeping yourself clean and polished. Steve Jobs famously said, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” The best web designers know that good web design is nearly invisible but utterly delightful.

A good programmer thrives on finding ways to make something work, despite the odds. Otherwise, you may be hearing the phrase, “That can’t be done,” every time you propose an innovative new project.

SEO Specialists

SEO, a mandatory marketing tactic if you want your website to be found through search engines like Google. A website doesn’t do you much good if no one is visiting it. Well, assuming your web design team employed some tried and tested SEO practices into your website, you will see the positive fruits of that labor. Just don’t expect to see it overnight. Some SEO tactics can get “instant results” by gaming the system. Be warned that these can hurt you in the long run. Instant results often involve SEO practices that are against webmaster guidelines put out by search engines.

According to this study by the National Retail Federation, search marketing — including SEO — was the most effective source for acquiring new customers in 2014 for 85 percent of online retailers. In a study conducted by BrightEdge , it was discovered organic search was the largest driver of traffic and revenue for almost every industry analyzed. Our small group of SEO specialists sees that and knows how to work their way around to achieve it.

Content Strategist

Content is king. There is no denying that.If you don’t communicate them well, they won’t make a good story and your content won’t be engaging.Create content that outranks your competitor’s content. If you know how to create high-value content and build relevant contextual links, your content page will outperform your competitors’ pages. And, when that happens, you’ll see an increase in organic traffic and search rankings. Most people crave so badly for something that looks nice that they forego the content and jump straight to the design.

While you should definitely want your website to look good, you should also want it to sound good. You need to take in consideration that a good designer wants to design your message and not just an empty container. Content needs to be “compelling, descriptive, and differentiated. When it comes to content, it’s all about quality first, then quantity. The writing style of any piece of content should be tailored to sensibilities of its audience. We have few core team of skilled and enthusiastic content writers working from their places around the Globe.

Designing for the Difference
Design with SEO in mind
Innovative Mindset
We Are Developers
Critical Thinking

Our Work

Our Recent Projects

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Please fill the below form and we will get back to you at the earliest.

#992 R.P Road Near Patny Centre Secunderabad
Telangana - India

Extended Workplaces : Bengaluru - USA - Romania

Phone : +91 6300490005